Houria CIC Covid-19 Statement
In light of recent government advice we have significantly adapted our services to our members.
As a diligent catering company and social enterprise, Houria CIC abides by the most up-to-date government regulations to ensure the safety of our team, our associates and our customers. We recognise the potential effect of a viral outbreak and its potential to restrict people from continuing with their day to day lives.
Accordingly, we have:
Clearly outlined the symptoms of the coronavirus and actions to take should anyone experience them.
Provided further personal hygiene advice and increased notices throughout the organisation.
Communicated very clearly to our staff about the current situation.
Provided advice to all visitors of our events.
Responded to and are following the advice issued by Public Health England and the W.H.O. (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public | https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses)
The Covid lockdown has exacerbated many of the existing vulnerabilities that our community of refugee women, the Sisters, face. We are striving to keep our Sisters in paid employment and out of detrimental social isolation.
With love, solidarity and good health,
The Houria Team